Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Grant Writers Tool Box Blog: Copywriters Marketing Roundtable

Grant Writers Tool Box Blog: Copywriters Marketing Roundtable


Copywriters Marketing Roundtable

And Now...for Something Completely Different:
Even Grant Writers Get the Blues

 Grant Writers get the blues just like anyone else.

Earlier this year, this blogger took the pledge to diversify his writing style, to increase the variety of markets available to him through further education.

I want to expand what I can offer to my clients as a Content and Copy writer. The demand this ever changing market calls upon us as writers is always in a heated flux. 

This fall our all important arsenal of knowledge is going to be pleasantly assaulted. Chris Marlow, Copywriter Coach Extraordinaire, has gathered some of the most successful Freelance Writers in the world together.

Where will they appear?

Fifteen hand picked writing experts will be available to each of us on our own computers. No air travel, no security checks, no expensive hotels and no eating out in sad little restaurants is required.

Chris's Copywriters Marketing Roundtable promises to be a dream comes true.

These amazing, successful copywriters living their dreams will all be gathered in one location, on my and your computer. The trophy list of presenters is phenomenal. Wait till you hear who’s coming to the Roundtable.

Chris has spent the last few months accomplishing the seemingly impossible.

If you, I, and we can gain only one new idea from these writing winners, our time will have been well spent. The level of knowledge to be presented is almost story book in stature.

Want to save several hundreds of dollars attending this upcoming event?

For all the skinny of the whom, what, when and wheres of this upcoming event, scoot on over to: http://bit.ly/pLQAiZ. The star studded list of champions will be completely revealed to you there.

Chris Marlow is a legendary Copy Writing Coach. Let's help her make Copy Writing history. The Copywriters Marketing Roundtable is an event NOT to be missed.

Monty Python couldn't have said it better. It is Indeed "...time for something completely different." Staying ahead of the pack keeps us young, agile and continually progressing imaginateers.

See you at the CMR, Jim

Contact Chris Marlow through her websites; Achieving Goals Through Trusted Advice(tm) since 2003. http://www.thecopywriterscoach.com and/or http://www.chrismarlow.com