Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Seizing the Funding Moment

Subscribing to a few different philanthropic blogs and newsletters will always give you an edge.

Last friday, October 15th,  I received my afternoon copy of PND RFP Bulletin. Sometimes the serindipitious pops up when you least expect it.

Civil and Human Rights

Left Tilt Fund Invites Applications for Social Change Work
Grants of up to $20,000 will be awarded to nonprofits and individuals working to address the root causes of economic, political, and social injustice....

Posted on October 15, 2010
Deadline: October 25, 2010

I have a client who has recently received his nonprofit 501(c)(3) status.

He has been putting all or most of his own money into this cause. It is very heartfelt and he has personal ties to this small health center in a Latin American country.

The 20K offered would fund almost an entire year of operation for this small but extremely effective concern.

As you can see time is of the essence. There are many questions to answer but here is the caveat for this grantseeker. The mission of this would be Funder almost mirrors the needs of this grantseeker.

The following was taken from Left Tilt Fund's website.


"The Left Tilt Fund is a non-profit private social justice foundation founded in 1998. We fund organizations that address the root causes of economic, political, and social injustice through community-based organizing, education, legal advocacy, and other innovative means."
"Left Tilt is particularly interested in economic equality, civil liberties, prisoners’ rights, labor issues, racial justice, homelessness, the environment, the arts, and international solidarity work pertaining to Palestine, the Middle East, and Latin America."

"We strive to support a diverse range of social justice organizations, including those that do not receive funds from traditional sources. "

It is my goal to always take advantage of a situation like this. It would be easy to almost get careless, as this appeal matches the needs of the client so completely.

I'm approaching this as an opportunity to help my client make his dreams come true for this nonprofit. We are emphasising self-confidence and self-reliance through this process. We will be following the RFP to the letter burning as much midnight oil necessary to meet the 10 day deadline.

Wish us luck!

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